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When everyday life becomes an extraordinary example of heroism

We often tend to take many things for granted, like breathing, hugging each other, going to the restaurant, having a night out, going to work or visiting our friends and family.
We have taken everything for granted.
Since the 21st of February, everything has changed in Italy because of the Covid and we lost what once was ordinary.
Many common people such as doctors, pharmacists and healthcare professionals, teachers, employees, entrepreneurs and young students have given an outstanding and heroic contribution to society by simply carrying out their jobs and have received the praise of the highest representatives of the Italian Republic:
“For volunteering in favour of the elderly, the poor and disadvantaged people. For their ability to listen.”
“For helping their classmates with digital and informatic equipment. Thanks to their helpfulness, many more students could be included in remote learning.”
“For organising theatrical performances and giving leading roles to children in difficulty, thus showing a great sense of solidarity.”
These few statements are enough to prove that the Italian people is characterised by strong values such as willpower and an impressive attention to the common good.
Also our company, guided by our CEO Oscar Di Pilato, has proved to be an example of commitment, pragmatism and quiet abnegation in this peculiar situation, by always being at the service of others and working for people struggling between life and death.
Day after day, we have been working on the inspection, production and maintenance of the valuable cylinders containing medical oxygen, one of the most important weapons against Covid-19.
We are grateful to our Staff, our co-workers and suppliers, whose efficiency has allowed us to meet our country’s needs during these trying times, while still maintaining the high-quality standards for which we stand out.
Thanks to our clients for choosing us to provide such an important service and special thanks to our clients that work in other sectors (industrial, food industries,..) and yet have decided to give priority to the medical sector, so that we could support it with all our strength.
Thanks to everyone, because only with these values the ordinary can become extraordinary!
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ask for more information?
Branch in RIMINI
Via Cesare Pavese, 50
47853 Cerasolo Ausa di Coriano (Rn)

Tel. +39 0541 756867 | Fax +39 0541 729276
E-mail: commerciale@blugas.com
Branch in MILANO
Via Guglielmo Marconi, 19/21
20089 Rozzano (Mi)

Tel. +39 02 8256321
E-mail: milano@blugas.com
Credits TITANKA! Spa